Installation of the ISQ/chromeleon

Hardware of both machines is the same except the column.

Network configuration

Network connection from PC to ISQ instrument has the following IPv4 configuration:

  • IP Address:

  • Net mask:

Services fails to start

After some adjustments, Chromeleon services kept failing to start. The underlying cause was that the instruments were delivered with HDDs instead of SSDs Because of that, starting of Net.TCP Port Sharing Service took longer than what was the default timeout. Extending the service start timeout by changing regedit as described on serverfault[1] fixed the issue.

Steps were following:

  • Ctrl + R –> regedit

  • go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControl

  • create new entry - right click -> new -> DWORD

  • set new DWORD name to ServicesPipeTimeout and value to 1 200 000 (decimal)

As there were still some issues, I’ve extended Chromeleon services delay between resets from 0 to 5 minutes. Afterwards, the ISQ was running smoothly